Epidemiology and Biostatistics Section Mission StatementThe OPHA Epidemiology and Biostatistics section's mission is: (1) To foster epidemiologic and biostatistical research, training and professional development as well as science-based public health practice; Section MeetingsNext OPHA Epidemiology and Biostatistics Section Meeting: TBD Please plan on joining us, meeting or catching up with fellow section members over food and drink, and helping plan upcoming section activities! Section Meeting MinutesSection ListservPlease contact OPHA Program Assistant, Dana Merrill to be added to our Listserv. K-12 Science Olympiad Mentoring ProgramThe Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving K through 12 science education, increasing interest in science, and giving recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by students and teachers. There are many ongoing activities and a yearly tournament. We need people to help write the Disease Detectives test for the yearly tournament. The focus this year is the same as last year, Foodborne Illnesses. The written exam will probably consist of several outbreak scenarios (not necessarily on foodborne illnesses) and general questions about epidemiology in the form of multiple choice, fill in the blank, true/false, matching, and interpretation of graphs and maps. Last year seven people wrote a test that had over 50 questions and some tie-breaker questions. There are numerous examples of previous tests and a lot of material available to help write the test. If you want to help but your time is limited, you can help by reading through the test and giving suggestions for improvements or corrections. Typically we give one test in Division B (middle school) and one test in Division C (high school) – we don't know yet when our tests are scheduled, but they are usually given between 9 am and 2 pm. To find out more information, look on the following websites: oregonscienceolympiad.com and www.soinc.org. OPHA Epidemiology-Biostatistics Mentoring ProgramThe mission of the OPHA Epidemiology-Biostatistics Mentoring Program to strengthen the public health workforce in Oregon by mentoring growth in the areas of leadership, communication, self-direction, and problem solving skills. The OPHA Epidemiology-Biostatistics Mentoring Program pairs mentors with those seeking a mentor. It is expected that mentees will select a specific topic on which they wish to be mentored (e.g., career development, publications). Potential mentees and potential mentors will each complete forms: the mentee will indicate the area(s) in which mentorship is sought; and the mentors will indicate areas in which mentors are available to mentor. The forms will be submitted to the OPHA Mentoring Progam. A member of the Mentoring Program will match mentee applicants with mentors. Click here to learn more and apply today! Section LeadershipPast Chair: Rachel Linz Board Representative: VACANT |